time is consistent...
time lasts forever...
i would ultimately want for my legacy to last just as long...
even though i may one day end...
time doesn't care...
time is inconsiderate...
two traits i happily lack...
we do have one thing in common though...
we are viewed "differently"...
not from each other...
but from others...
time is never on your side because you always work against it...
why work against something that doesn't slip up?
it'll never make a mistake...
you cant beat it!
thats why i like time...
its confident...
it knows that it is in full control of the way we schedule our lives...
it knows that we have to work with it and that functioning without it would be nearly impossible...
its the backbone of life...
the soul of control...
the brain of change...
how much time did you spend reading this?
or better yet...
how much time did i spend writing this?
or even deeper...
how much time did it take for this thought to develop and finally be broadcasted to the public?
who knows?
time does...
i dont...
i could give an accurate estimation but why estimate and be accurate when you could be exact?
time can give exact answers...
i wish i could...
Everything changes over time...
thats the only exact answer i have...
-Al Jenkins
*How many times does he say time in this poem about time????
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